- 产品品牌:BS
- 产品型号:2037
●●●●●●欧标BS 2037:1994●专业提供BS 2037:1994 Specification for Portable aluminium ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings 便携式铝梯测试服务!!
全国服务电话:0574-87662084 移动电话:13071966229、13325741391 在线QQ: 800017280 电子邮箱:nb-en@163.com alice.hu@nb-en.com 网址:http://www.nb-en.com http://www.nb-tuv.com 公司地址:宁波高新区江南路598号九五国际17幢532-533室
宁波欧标检测提供的 梯子安全标准检测服务项目如下:
1. EN 131 Part 1:2007 & BS EN 131 Part 2:1993 Ladders - Specification for terms, types, functional sizes & Ladders - Specification for requirements, testing, marking 梯子
2. BS EN 14183:2003 Step Stools 脚踏凳
3. BS 2037:1994 Specification for Portable aluminium ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings 便携式铝梯
4. BS 7553 :1992 Specification for Loft Ladders 阁楼梯子 Note: The BS 7553 has been replaced by BS EN 14975:2006.
5. BS EN 14975 :2006 Loft ladders —Requirements, marking and testing 阁楼梯子
6.EN 131-3:2007 Ladders - Part 3: User Instructions
7.EN 131-4:2007 Single or Multiple hinge-joint ladders
1. ANSI A14.2-2007 American National Standard for Ladders - Portable Metal - Safety Requirements 便携式金属梯 - 安全要求
2. ANSI A14.5-2000 American National Standard for Ladders - Portable Reinforced Plastic - Safety Requirements 便携式塑料加强梯 - 安全要求
1. AS/NZS 1892.1-1996 Portable ladders Part 1: Metal 便携式金属梯
1. CAN3-Z11-M81(Reaffirmed 2003) Portable ladders 便携梯