美国CYTEC公司于1980年注册成立,总部设在纽约州北部。We offer HIPOT testing devices, and design and build more than 25 different switching Systems and Custom Switching Systems to meet our clients' requirements.专业公司生产300多种创新的模块化交换机,可组装和配置,提供了几乎无限多种系统产品类型。,CYTEC西泰克,设计和兴建超过25种不同的切换开关系统和定制系统,以满足客户的需求。Engineering, manufacturing, sales and distribution are all located here to ensure that our customers receive a top quality product that is delivered in a timely manner.工程、制造、销售和分销都设在这里,以确保我们的客户得到高质量的产品,及时交付。A staff of talented sales engineers works closely with clients to make certain that each switching system requirement is completely satisfied.销售工程师的人才工程人员与客户密切合作,使每个交换系统的要求完全满意。We engineer our products on a case by case basis to meet your specifications, provide for future expansion and maintain a competitive price.From our RF switches to our fiber optic switch matrices, all of our products are thoroughly tested before shipping and come with a standard 5 year warranty.CYTEC射频开关,CYTEC光纤开关矩阵,我们所有的产品,包括CYTEC光纤开关矩阵和CYTEC光纤交换机在发货前都经过全面测试,并得出一个标准的5年质保。We are justifiably proud of our history in the switching system industry, which dates back to the mid 1960's and includes many innovative ideas and designs.我们有理由感到自豪,在业界交换系统,可追溯至1960年中期的,包括很多新的创意和设计。


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