我公司生产的阻燃面料经特种生产技术整理既能有效的防止火焰的蔓延,又能保护织物的原有性能,达到国际GB8965-98《阻燃防护服》要求,同时可达到欧盟“EN470、EN470-1、EN533、EN531、BS5852”等标准,通过欧共体、美国、英国阻燃面料一级品要求。该面料具有良好的耐洗涤性能、无毒无异味、对人体安全可靠、并且透气透湿、手感柔软、穿着舒适。适用于冶金、机械、材业、消防等行业,亦可用作装饰布。 Flame Retardant Fabric Flame retardant fabric produced by our company is finished by special technique. This fabric can not only pvent flame from spading, but also keep its original performance. It has achieved National Standard“GB8965-88”, and the EEC standards “EN470、EN470-1、EN533、EN531、 BS5852”etc. It also has reached the requirements of the first-class flame retarding cloth in European Community, USA and UK.Flame retardant fabric is durable against normal washing, non-poisonous to smell, safe to human body, soft and comfortable to wear. It applies to metallurgy, Machinery, Forestry, Fire- fighting and other trades. It also can be used as decorative fabric.
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